Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Madam Ashley

A few letters from my students

Dear Madam Ashley,
I hope and trast that you are okey, also and me I am just okey. Bu me I am not okey because of you. So I want to tell you this week. This week is not okey because I miss you for a long time. So I am not happay because we not learn sci and maths. But I hope on Monday you must be heir and teach us sci and maths.

sincerely Fiedred


To you Madam ASHLEY
Dear Madam Ashley,
How are you about last week, how is your life. Me I am okey but I am meased you for four day. I have information to you about learn maths and science. No one teach us teh your subject in the class so that today want you to teach us that topic you meased.

Principal Hamuchila


Hai Swety Ashley,
Dear my friend Ashley.

I hope and trust that you are oky to the pen holder not so bad. And me am oky but am not oky properly because you are not there. We are weting for you madam Ashley, you are welcome madam Ashley. Now I want to tell you about this week, Madam this week is not god because you are not there. But I hope you are coming very soon.

-it's Daphine

1 comment:

~sarah said...

Oh my goodness. How cute can they possibly be?! Sounds like you're a big hit in the Math/Science departments. :) Thanksgiving at your Grandparents' wasn't the same without you...