Wednesday, January 28, 2009

a retreat

The MCC retreat was held in Sinazongwe on Lake Kariba...a beautiful place to rest, relax, and rejuvinate
and many hidden treasures
Our guest speaker and his family were wonderful to have along
and we spent a lot of time sitting, and a lot of time eating :)
we also explored and found zebra grazing
and children romping around :)

but the most exciting part was the croc farm, where thousands of crocodiles were watching us pass through, teeth bared. one tried to knaw on the tire of our vehicle, but alas he couldn't bring us down.
we cruised around on a boat safari to see other animals on the water

like the territorial hippos
and I even tried my hand at fishing, but unfortunately, just when I thought I'd caught something big, I realized I was stuck on a rock...Zambians are good people, and this man willingly jumped in to help me.
but we also had inside adventures to celebrate the coming of the new year...a fashion show, african style.

It was a fun week, and a great group of MCCrs to be with. And no doubt a retreat to be remembered.

1 comment:

Zelek said...

she could be ours ... well a little lighter and maybe a little less frightened!

miss you
