Saturday, May 16, 2009

uli kuli?

You may be wondering where I've been.
So have I.
A month of movement to masticate.
I'll spit out the abridged version for myself and others to digest in due time.
For now, the photos can speak the words I'm still trying to retrieve.

Matthew and I can be found here...that is, in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Zambia...

I'd advocate for this to win as our most ambitous, and most successful trip yet. Epic.



Unknown said...

LOVE the pictures! i was getting worried about you! you and matthew look great. wow oh wow what a phenomenal trip

Mrs. Galore said...

I miss you.

Rosabethbk said...

Wow. Gorgeous. Epic. Gorgeous.

rl said...

Oh my goodness... I LOVED THE PHOTOS! It makes me miss u so much.. and it made me laugh SO HARD to remember my time in Africa, I just can't help but think of how hilariously crazy it was. Ohh... :)And the picture of your brother with your host parents... so precious. They were probably incredibly excited. You have brought some incredible guest through their house this past year! :)

Laura said...

Loved the pics. :) Isn't Cape Town gorgeous? Your pictures brought back tons of memories from the semester I spent in South Africa. :) Have a great rest of the year!

Unknown said...

interesting pictures